Revisiting the Shot Heard Around the World

Revisiting the Shot Heard Around the World: Come visit the Hancock/Clark House. Learn more about Reverend Clark whose words were known to be “the primer in the guns” that prepared the Minutemen for The Battle of Lexington and Concord.
You will get a copy of the sermon he preached a year after the Shot Heard Around the World.
You can join the modern Black Robed Regiment: Join the Black Robe Regiment today! - WallBuilders
Revisiting the Shot Heard Around The World Lecture in PDF and supporting exhibits. You can contact me using the form on the "Contact Us" page if you need a different version of the lecture like in PowerPoint.
-The Shot Heard Around the World PDF and PowerPoint
-Exhibit A: John Adams' letter to his wife on the first prayer in the Continental Congress
-Exhibit B: History of the Black Robe Regiment
-Exhibit C: Reverend Jonas Clark: Battle of Lexington Sermon
-Exhibit D: A Vindication of the Government of the New England Churches